Project title Period Description Of Works Name of Client
Overlay of Kirea-Namugongo Road 8KM 2023 - Update Uganda National Roads Authority Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Civil Works for Periodic Maintenance of Kampala Northern Bypass Phase 1(21 km) 2023 - Update Uganda National Roads Authority Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Reconstruction of Nabulagala Road in Lubaga Division 2022 - 2023 Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA) Lubaga Division
Reconstruction of Mwanga 11 Road(1.1 km) and Section of Kisenyi Lane(0.328km) 2022 - 2023 Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA) Central Division
Upgrade of Zadoki -Lasto Lukoma Road(3.4km) 2022 - 2024 Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA) Kawempe Division
Upgrading of Gravel/Earth Surfaced Roads to Asphalt Concrete Paved Roads in Kamuli Muncipal Council including Roads(Industrial area roads and Byaino road) 2021 - 2024 Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development Programme Kamuil Muncipal Counci
Upgrading of Market street 1, 3&4 (0.64Km), Kinyoro road (0.86Km), Kulubya road (0.36Km), Nabugabo road (0.39Km) and Nabugabo close (0.36Km) in Lugazi Municpal Council 2021 - 2024 Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development Programme Lugazi Municpal Council
Recycling and Overlay of Lukuli Road (7.71km)(Including Signalization of Lukuli/Namasoole/Kayemda Junction)-LOT 3 2020 - 2023 more information Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA)
Rehabiltaion of Busoga Road(0.35km),and completion of Rehabiltaion OF Eng.Zikusooka Way(1.8km) and main Street(0.3km) 2020 -Update Date The works include; Pothole patching and edge repairs, construction of road humps and rumble strips including application of approved aggregates blinding material, Asphalt concrete surfacing as per specified thickness Jinja Municipal Council
Reconstruction of Old Taxi Park 2020 - 2021 The works include; Pothole patching and edge repairs, construction of road humps and rumble strips including application of approved aggregates blinding material, Asphalt concrete surfacing as per specified thickness Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA)
Bukasa Port Development Project Desgin and Build of start up infrastructurce 2020 - 2021 Access/construction road and security fencing Guaff Gmbh& co. Engineering KG
Lot 1 ,Reconstruction and upgrading of NMT Pilot corridor:Namirembe-Luwum(1.5km),Archer(0.75km),Mengo Hills(.75km)Luzige(0.3km),Mutebi(0.45km) and Semugooma(0.4km) in Central Division 2016 - 2020 The works include; Pothole patching and edge repairs, construction of road humps and rumble strips including application of approved aggregates blinding material, Asphalt concrete surfacing as per specified thickness Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA)
Lot 4,Reconstruction and or Upgrading of ,Magambo 0.9km,Dembe-Kilowoza(3.0km),kiziri(0.7km),Kigoowa(1.9km),Kimera(1.4km),kisalita(0.7km),Robert Mugabe(1.8km) 2016 - 2020 The works include; Pothole patching and edge repairs, construction of road humps and rumble strips including application of approved aggregates blinding material, Asphalt concrete surfacing as per specified thickness Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA)
Uganda Christain University(UCU)construction of 3km road project of the first phase include Suubi, Sanyu, Library Rise, Alpha Roads, ascent to Agape road, access to Junction, and Football Field access 2017 - 2019 The works include; Pothole patching and edge repairs, construction of road humps and rumble strips including application of approved aggregates blinding material, Asphalt concrete surfacing as per specified thickness Uganda Christain University(UCU)
lot 3:Iganga - Kaliro Road (32km)-Uganda 2015-2017 The works include;breaking up existing pavement layers,mechanical modified sub base,CRR base prime coat, first and second sela coat drainage and ancillary works Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Reconstruction of roads in North Estates at Kampala Industrial and Business park – Design and Build contract Uganda 2016-2017 Scarifying and re compacting of existing pavement layers, providing, cutting to spoil and filling to selected road sections, laying and constructing a combined mechanically stabilised layer constituting of approved crushed aggregate class CRS (coarse type) and selected natural gravel material to form subbase, 150mm thick crushed stone class CRR base layer, provide heat and spray MC-30 cutback bitumen (1.0 litre/sq.) including application of approved aggregates blinding material at rate of 200m2/m3, Asphalt concrete surfacing, excavation for open drains Uganda Investment Authority(UIA)
Staged Reconstruction of mukono-Jinja Project.(53km) 2015-2016 Milling to even existing asphalt,patching potholes and sealing cracks,overlaying with new asphalt wearing course on 40% of road. Full construction from sub base to base and asphalt layer on 60% of the road drainage and acillary works. Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Reconstruction of Kalinda , Kabakanjagala and Sekabaka Kintu Roads in Lubaga Division 2015-2016 Excavating and milling of material from an existing pavement, scarifying and re compacting of existing pavement layers, providing , laying and constructing a combined mechanically stabilised layer constituting of approved crushed aggregate class CRS (coarse type) 100mm thick and existing pavement base course 100mm thick to make 200mm thick base course, prepare base course, provide heat and spray MC-70 cutback bitumen (1.0 litre/sq.) including application of approved aggregates blinding material at rate of 200m2/m3 Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA)
Upgrading of Gravel Roads to Bitumen Standard Phase 11-Lot 1 Kimera Road 2014-2016 he upgrading from gravel road to bituminous surfaces road standard of Kimera road (0.9km) along with access roads junctions., drainage works comprising of the installation of a triple 1200mm dia precast concrete cross culvert (together with its end structures), installation of 600mm dia precast concrete pipe culvert side drains under the raised sidewalks, including inspections manholes, cleaning up the site to remove any contamination of the works following the termination of the previous works contract, scrapping off contaminated crushed stone subbase / base material and disposing it off, re-working of the existing pavement layers Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA)
Reconstruction of Kafumbe- Mukasa Road (0.65km) and Kisenyi Road (0.73km) 2014-2016 The works consist of; construction of 0.73km of Kisenyi Road, relocation of existing utility services, removal of unstable material including industrial and natural debris, reprocessing of the existing road pavement structure to form the reconstructed road sub grade, preparation of the formation for the foot ways, removal of the existing pre cast concrete kerbing (including bed and backing) and disposal to spoil, provision and laying of 600mm and 900 mm diameter Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA)
Reconstruction of Kafumbe- Mukasa Road (0.65km) and Kisenyi Road (0.73km) 2008-2011 96 km road: Sholder gravelling, Potholes repair & Drainage clearing Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA)
Upgrading of Namanve Industrial Park Access Roads (4km) 2013-2016 Site Clearance and removal of topsoil, road bed preparation, earthworks for the new alignment inclusive of the formation of all drains, side ditches, junctions and minor access roads, construction of pavement layers consisting of improved sub grade, mechanically stabilised works mc-30, track coat and asphalt wearing course works, concrete, drainage works, 900mm and 600mm diameter culvert works, concrete for head walls and culver Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Backlog Roads Maintenance Programme (BRMP) Package 6 2008-2011 Milling to even existing asphalt, patching potholes and sealing cracks, overlaying with new asphalt wearing course on carriageway . Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA)
Civil works for Rehabilitation of Kireka – Kyaliwajjala -Namugongo- Road 8.0Km 2012-2015 96 km road: Sholder gravelling, Potholes repair & Drainage clearing Kampala Capital City Authority(KCCA)
Staged Reconstruction of Mukono – Jinja Road Projec 2011-2015 Milling to even existing asphalt, patching potholes and sealing cracks, overlaying with new asphalt wearing course on carriageway and reconstruction of shoulders with gravel finished with double surface dressing or removing of existing base with crr to form sub base layer Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Backlog Roads Maintenance Programme (BRMP) Package 6 2008-201 27 km Road: Spot Repairs and Resealing of Busega‐Mityana Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Reconstruction and Rehabilitation of Busega - Muduuma Road. Lot 1 2008-2011 Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Backlog Roads Maintenance Programme (BRMP) Package 6 2008-2011 96 km road: Sholder gravelling, Potholes repair & Drainage clearing Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Backlog Roads Maintenance Programme (BRMP) Package 5 2008-2010 60 km road: 12km Mechanical modification and double surface dressing full width 9m 48km shoulder gravelling with single seal Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
4,9km Road, Stone base and 50mm of Asphalt wearing course soweto Road 2000-2001 Clearing and grubbing, excavation, stone base and asphalt wearing corse Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Strengthening & Improvement of Kampala- Entebbe Road 2000-2001 4,9km Road, Stone base and 50mm of Asphalt wearing course Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)
Project title Period Description Of Works Name of Client

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